The Aurelius Ark from A Ferry Across Fates

Work in progress

A Ferry Across Fates

A fantasy romance set aboard the Aurelius Ark

Myra Othello has always dreamed of finding true love since her parents shared their story. But when her stepfather arranged her marriage for personal gain, she sought her only hope; the Aurelius Ark. Stories say this Ark ferries passengers to a new world where they will meet their one true love. But first, Myra must pay its captain, the Heart Reaper, who requested far more than she wished to give.


The Juniper Ball

A Christmas-themed allegory with a mix of fantasy & romance

Juniper finds herself alone on Christmas, but she takes a leap of faith when an envelope slips through her attic, inviting her to a Christmas ball. However, everything she’s tried to avoid awaits her on the other side. She has a new chance at love, but only if she can navigate her ex, first.  

This novella has recently received feedback from beta readers and is undergoing another round of edits. This story will re-open for further feedback in November 2024.

Portrait of Stephanie Winter

fantasy romance writer

Stephanie Winter

Embark on magical journeys alongside tension-driven romances. Stephanie Winter writes romantic fantasy with a Christian worldview. She has written seven stories and seeks to publish the book her readers want the most. If you’re looking for romantic fantasy with tension instead of spice, this is the place for you!

By Stephanie winter

Legend of

Doe Na Dare

Most recently completed first draft: A Fantasy Romance Novel

Ailsa’s curse transforms her into a ghost whenever she leaves the village. But when a charming stranger offers to help, she hadn’t bargained for what he expected in return. 

Castle of Doe Na Dare

Other Projects

Secret Maze

House of Chimes

Set in the 1920s, Stacy visits an old mansion ticking with clocks in every room. But there’s one magical clock worth far more than the rest.

Capture the Flag

Capture the Flag

A girl is selected to enter a brand new game, one that sucks you in. Now, her team must win in order to escape the island, and leave with a $5 million cash prize. 

Christmas ballroom

A Juniper Ball

A novella about a girl who finds herself alone on Christmas until she discovers a magical ball taking place within her apartment.


“When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”

– C.S. Lewis

 Book reviews & project updates

Thoughts from the Pensive

Vivid, by Ashley Bustamante

Vivid, by Ashley Bustamante

I review my experience reading The Color Theory series, beginning with Vivid and ending with Radiance by Ashley Bustamante. The third book, Chromatic, is not available as an audiobook. It thus leaves the ending a mystery to this post.

An Introduction

An Introduction

To introduce myself, my name is Stephanie Winter. God willing, I have plans to publish independantly, and hopes to publish traditionally with Enclave (a Christian fantasy/sci-fi publisher). But there will always be stories to find here.

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